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Wilmont Woodstoves

Endless Warmth

+ Minimum fine dust

+ Automatic wood supply

+ Clean through afterburning


Wilmont BIVAK

Terrace stove

Wilmont BF9

Wood stove


Wilmont stoves are characterised by two important features: automatic feeding of the wood, and clean combustion by post-combustion of the flame. Local residents experience almost no inconvenience because the stove can hardly be smelled.
The automatic wood feed ensures a very long burning time of up to 8 hours.


Sustainable design

A unique, industrial design. Excellent efficiency. Very clean combustion and great ease of use: up to 8 hours of burning without refilling.
We are proud of this exceptional stove, which cannot be compared to any other wood stove.


Wilmont woodstoves

By abandoning all existing principles and redesigning the combustion system from scratch, the Wilmont stove is significantly cleaner and more efficient than traditional wood-burning stoves. This is achieved, among other things, by applying the principle of wood gasification, in which the flue gases from the primary combustion are once again burned almost completely at very high temperature (up to 1,200 degrees Celsius) and admixed with very highly preheated air in a swirl chamber. This heat is then released to the environment via a heat exchanger. The unique buffer system also allows the stove to burn for up to 8 hours without interruption.

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